Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) was a painter, sculptor, writer, musician, art theorist, military engineer, inventor, mathematician, anatomist and physiologist, botanist ... easier to list what it was. By the way, domėdamasis science, he always remained an artist and figure paintings - a thinker and scholar. Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps more so than other actors in the Renaissance, for the concept of homo universale. This extraordinary man knew everything, and paid everything that was aware of and paid his era. He also predicted that, what about the times and yet no one dream. He thought skraidomojo machine design and how to deal with the drawings, a helicopter approached the idea.
Leonard was born in 1452 April 15, anche a village near the small, blue, misty mountains a semi-circle surrounded by the town of Vinci, in Tuscany, 30 km. from Florence. His father, Sir Pietras da Vinci - wealthy notary. Mother Katarina - valsiečio daughter. Leonardo was the illegitimate child and grew up in father's family. His parents live separately, the child had a stepmother. Leonard atten
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