2010 m. balandžio 13 d., antradienis

Still Life 2

Samuolis (Samulevičius) Antanas

The artist, painter, comes from the famous Jonaviečių Samulevičių relatives.
He was born in 1899,
June 3, in Raseiniai district. In
1929 he graduated from Kaunas Art School.

It's one of his still life pictures.

Still life

Still Life

Jan Brueghel the Elder
(1568 – January 13, 1625)

He was a Flemish painter, the son of Pieter Brueghel the Elder and father of Jan Brueghel the Younger. He loved to paint nature.

It's one of his pictures.

2010 m. balandžio 5 d., pirmadienis

Leonardas da Vinčis

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) was a painter, sculptor, writer, musician, art theorist, military engineer, inventor, mathematician, anatomist and physiologist, botanist ... easier to list what it was. By the way, domėdamasis science, he always remained an artist and figure paintings - a thinker and scholar. Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps more so than other actors in the Renaissance, for the concept of homo universale. This extraordinary man knew everything, and paid everything that was aware of and paid his era. He also predicted that, what about the times and yet no one dream. He thought skraidomojo machine design and how to deal with the drawings, a helicopter approached the idea.

Leonard was born in 1452 April 15, anche a village near the small, blue, misty mountains a semi-circle surrounded by the town of Vinci, in Tuscany, 30 km. from Florence. His father, Sir Pietras da Vinci - wealthy notary. Mother Katarina - valsiečio daughter. Leonardo was the illegitimate child and grew up in father's family. His parents live separately, the child had a stepmother. Leonard attended a rural primary school and learned quite difficult to write, read and count. He prefers to stroll with your beloved uncle Francesco. This was his example. Uncle Francesco Leonardo taught to love nature and animals. As Leonardo was the illegitimate child, such as the sciences to seek his father in those days did not have access. Father noticed his son at an early stage talent. The first booking was his father - the child had to decorate the wall. For this purpose he collected snakes in his room, grasshopper, lizards, locusts, butterflies and bats night. And completely oblivious to stink, the incident room.

<-- Leonardas da Vincis ,,Mona Liza"

Leonardas da Vincis Šv. Ona su Kūdikėliu Kristumi-->

Juozas Bagdonas

Juozas Bagdonas

* Juozas Bagdonas (1866) - a doctor, book-carrier, a press worker;
* Juozas Bagdonas (1911) - painter;
* Juozas Bagdonas (1917) - conductor, teacher.

1878-1886 on studied Marijampole Gymnasium in 1886-1889 on studied medicine in Warsaw, and 1889-1891 on Moscow. 1886 began to write "the dawn", participated in the ringer congresses.

1892-1899 on doctor Naumiestis and Vilkaviskis, together with A. Sulkevičiumi dissemination of Polish socialist literature, participated in the Polish Socialist Party, later - Lithuanian Social Democratic Party activities. The value of Wilhelm Liebknecht brochures. 1893 arrested and interrogated for a brother, George, caught with illicit letters, the so-called "Sietyno case. 1896, arrest Knygnešių Jasinski, given to police surveillance. 1897, arrested and detained Calvary in prison and released for 300 rubles security, hiding, and in 1899 March. receives a message that is exiled to Vyatka province, fled.

1899-1906 on - Expat, lived in East Prussia, Britain, France, Switzerland, Scotland. 1899-1903 and 1904-1905 on edited by "Varpas" and "farmers", 1901-1903, the "News", has helped Alfonso Moravian allow "Aida Lithuanian Workers' Life, 1906-1907 on Vilnius edited the "Lithuanian farmers.

Participated in the preparation of the Paris world exhibition. London organized by the 'Light' Society. 1902 15 November participated in the Lithuanian Democratic Party of the inaugural congress was Lithuanian Democratic Party CC member until 1907,

Beginning of the First World War 1914-1918 on served in the army military doctor in Vilnius and Moscow. 1919-1922 on Department of Health Director, 1922-1935, the Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Medicine, Professor, 1923-1924, the Dean of the Faculty. 1935 established the Lithuanian blaivinimo union, its chairman, 1937-1938, the edited the journal "Blaivioji Lithuania, 1938-1940, the "Temperance and Health". 1944 moved to Germany in 1948 emigrated to the USA [1].